Title - Artist

    88.3Jia FM 新加坡唯一英语+普通话 双语电台 全天为你播放你最熟悉,你最喜欢的精选好歌。

    88.3Jia FM is the only bilingual station in Singapore that plays both Mandarin and English all-time favorites round the clock. Over the years, 88.3Jia FM has built a strong and loyal following and reaches out to almost 250,000 listeners weekly. The unique blend of 88.3Jia FM caters to the changing lifestyle of Singaporeans who are increasingly conversant in both Mandarin and English.

    在线视听 广播电台 新加坡883 Jia FM电台 FM88.3


    历史上的今天 ( 26 ):

    可点 ➠ 2023年-06月-12日 34 s 0
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